Incivus 2.0 is here!

The Best and Worst Use of Music in Advertising

From exploring the origin and history of music in advertising to dissecting its best and the worst use, this article will help you gain a better understanding of the music aspect of advertising and how it has impacted brands either positively or negatively. We’ve also added some helpful tips that can help you avoid some mistakes the brands made. Read more…

How to Measure Customer Perception of Brand

While brand perception gets all the attention, the real differentiator is understanding the customer perception of your ads and brand. In this article, we have dived deeper into some of the best ways to measure customer perception of your ads that can help you create impactful and relevant ads. Read more…

How to Choose the Right Music for Ads

While music in advertising is important, selecting the right music that aligns with the emotions and messaging of the ad is even more important. So, how, as a marketer, should you go about choosing the right music for your ad campaigns? Here’s a tried and tested method to select the music for your ads.

Understanding Brand Perception in 2022

In this article, we explore the ever evolving and all-encompassing term, brand perception, the sum of customers’ thoughts, feelings, and memories associated with a brand.

Can Music Make or Break an Ad?

A study conducted by Man Made Music suggests music can improve brand recognition by 46%. Audio/sonic branding always has a substantial impact on the recall

Ai-fication of Marketing Teams

AI has made inroads in the marketing teams, automating processes and providing data that the marketer uses in their day to day lives. AI, or artificial

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