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Edition 5: The Sunday

Create the Best Performing Super Bowl Campaign Ever! Insights from in-depth analysis of the impact of creative variables on ad success. Identify overarching creative and advertising

Edition 4: Ad Recall & Copy

Answers to What Makes a Super Bowl Ad Memorable! Insights from in-depth creative analysis of the impact of ad recall and copy on ad success.

Edition 3: Emotions

Your Guide to Emotional Language of Super Bowl Ads. Insights from in-depth creative analysis of the impact of emotions evoked by visuals, characters, and music

Edition 2: Music & Character

Your Guide to Using Music and Characters in Super Bowl Ads. Insights from in-depth creative analysis of the impact of music and character on ad

Edition 1: Attention

Attention! One of the most important elements that lead to engagement in Super Bowl ads Insights from creative analysis of attention trends in Super Bowl

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